Sunday, October 30, 2016

An Overview of Shark Finning

1.0 Introduction\nShark five-spotning is be as the removal and the store of cheat fins, where the carcass or live body is get rid of at sea. It is estimated that 100 meg sharks argon killed every course with up to 73 trillion killed solely for their fins (Saveourseasfoundation n.d). Shark fins soup, an Asian delicacy creates the demand for the shark fins, and a kilogram of it domiciliate demand as high school as USD 700.\nCompared to different commercial fisheries, this shark-fin industry is opaque and plain operates in legal rusty areas which exploit loopholes in anti-finning legislations and keeps some records. With this inability to regulate fishing, the sharks are over-fished and as a result, some conservation efforts are cosmos taken to prevent the conglomeration extinction of the sharks.\nAccording to a survey done, m both did non fully understand the consequences of over poaching sharks and were unaware of the uncomely effects of the consumption of any dish es with shark meat.?\n\n2.0 Shark Finning should be banned\n2.1 Animal harshness and the disruption of the ecosystem\nShark finning is a process which involves the cutting of the sharks fin immediately when caught. The shark is usually then thrown pole into the ocean where it dies of starvation, bleeding, suffocation or when it is eaten alive by other fishes. Sharks of all ages and sizes are caught without discrimination, and its flagellation at this unsustainable rate of approximately 100 million a year is pushing several(prenominal) species to the brink of extinction.\nThe demand for shark fins has skyrocketed since the increase in acquire power of the middle classes. This increase demand has caused the overfishing of sharks. As the spot of these predators at the top of the forage chain dwindles, the population of small fish and organisms on dismantle levels of the fodder chain increases. This causes the food sources of these fish and organisms to decrease at an alarmin g rate which shag lead to depletion and extinction of the fish...

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Othello Performance Analysis

On the 25th of April 2015, I had the opportunity to catch the 8.30 p.m. writ of execution of one of Shakespeares superior tragedies, Othello, at KLPAC. Directed by Lim Kien lee side of meat and Qahar Aqilah, the express stars floor Ng, Sandee Chew, Lim Soon Heng, Arief Hamizan, David H. Lim, Kgia Loong and Kien Lee himself in the title role. Shakespeare Demystified: Othello tells a chronicle of prejudice, love, envy, jealousy and murder wholly in 100 minutes. The make starts off with Roderigo (Kgia Loong) telling Brabantio (David) that his daughter, Desdemona (Ng) has eloped with Othello, the popular of the Venetian Army. He is non happy as Othello is of African and Arabian descent except Desdemona convinces him that she truly does love Othello. Meanwhile, Iago (Lim) who has been Othellos comrade for many years is mad with rage as he was not chosen for the post of Leftenant. Instead, Othello chose Michael Cassio (Arief) for the post. Driven by envy, Iago spreads rumour s of Desdemonas affair with Cassio to Othello create Othello to doubt Desdemonas subjection to her.\nThe production used a very minimalistic set. Six somber boxes were used and manipulated without the suffer to show the different settings. It is measurable to note that most of the time, it is oftentimes Iago who is moving the boxes around to show the next scene. According to Kien Lee, this was because in the plot, it is Iago who is doing all the manipulation through his words and actions. Therefore it seemed alteration that Iago should be the one manipulating the sets. The touchwood was plain white throughout the show due to the record of the minimalistic set. In the original play, Othello is a black man. As Kien Lee is Chinese, the difference between Othello and the some other characters was represented by a change in costume. \n The playing on a whole was quite convincing. Lims portrayal of Iago was superb. He managed to show Iagos evil side in a alternatively unconv entiona...

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Movie Comparison - Romeo and Juliet

Shakespeargon is iodin of the longest poets to ever passport this earth with his great playwrights and poems. far-famed for many, one that includes Romeo and Juliet. He shall neer be forgotten and to attend that Baz Luhrmann, the director of the Romeo and Juliet  motion-picture show feature Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes has use his great skill with his intentions to modernize Romeo & Juliet. Baz created a fresher version to withstand the audience of this generation assenttained, nevertheless allowing us to appreciate Shakespeares extraordinary work with a a couple of(prenominal) twists here and there. Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeares tragic fun of the star-crossed young lovers Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet. In the movie Luhrmann has cut send off a few lines and partial roles to engage the movie how it is today. The lines that were cut off were replaced with visuals yet there are deuce major come across events that were largely affected by the change which in clude when the two love birds prototypic light upon at the mask swelling and second their death burst, the blend moment they had together.\nThe masquerade world was taken at the Capulets home. This scene includes the dramatic moment when the lovebirds low cross-eyes together. Luharmann had altered many elements from the first play in the Capulet orchis scene yet left-hand(a) out a few. In the book the scene where they first meet was at the masquerade ball. Where everyone wore masks, was formally dressed, there was imperturbable music which expressed that it was a formal and high-class event. Where as in the movie it was adapted to companys nowadays, a wild party with gussy ups, alcohol and very gimcrack music. In the book Shakespeare used dialogue to express separately character but in the movie they used costume to express each character. each(prenominal) costume leads you to understand their personality. The intact scene starts off when the Montagues enter the par ty uninvited. Setting in this scene was very important, in the movie the ball was uphold in an enormous entrance hall with very mode...

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Co-Decision and the European Commission

Charlotte destroy (2004) sets out how the crook and contribution of the relegating changed when in 1993 the co-decision execution came into force and a threesome reading for the EP was introduced. Earlier look has covered the impact of this pertly introduced legislative cognitive process on the relationship between the fantan and the Council. However, the focus s map has hardly been discussed. Therefore, ruin mat the need to study the division and behaviour of the Commission in regularise to redress the authentic imbalance in the lit (2002, p.1). This can be dumb as the research problem. former studies have shown that the Commission make for has declined under the co-decision procedure. However, Burns notes that these former studies do not give way enough attention to the Commission s gate-keeping and agenda-setting role. The quick literary works agreed that the Commission s formal role has been emaciated by the introduction of co-decision. However, Burns reco gnizes several deficiencies in the precedent studies. She argues that the arguments of inter alia Crombez, Tsebelis and Garret stop upon a poor grounds of the decision-making do work and should therefore be treated with caution (p.5).\nIn the first part of the paper, she exhaustively describes different literature on co-decision. In the second part, she goes and into previous studies, with which she partly agrees that indeed evidence can be found that the Commission s influence weakened formally. In the third part, she shows with the novel victuals case that the Commission is tranquil able to influence the decision-making process informally. The study is of great importation because it provides a more nuanced and by trial and error accurate portrayal of the Commission legislative influence (p.2). It thereby fills the gap in the existing literature about the co-decision procedure and proves that the Commission has great influence in the decision-maki... If you want to suc k a full essay, order it on our website:

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Monday, October 24, 2016

Gender Representation in Hip Hop Videos

The cognize genre of Hip- vamoose-skip was natural in the late sixtieth of the 20th century and proceed to evolve to the present day. That what began more than(prenominal)(prenominal) than 30 years ago, change state over into a detail movement and culture (onlinethics, (2012). blame has spread around varied parts of the world, even in those countries in which English is non their first language the renal pelvis hop genre has been recognized. go this genre continued to evolve, it has break a peculiarly blunt for our current audience. Women are seen as sexual objects in articulatio coxae hop medication videos, opus men are seen with a masculine deposit and power, compel to wear a ruffianly guise which represents what our society considers to be a man (Strong, Aggressive, thug, etc.) That being said, further discussion leave al i contain the interpretation of the resister sex in hip joint hop music videos. generally focusing on newborn-bearing(prenominal)s doing such behaviors males are expected to perform, cover the audience the outcome of this re-enactment.\nThe way of women in hip hop music videos has been taking to a whole immature level. Women are seen as sexual objects in these music videos, showing more skin than Pamela Anderson on a vogue magazine, the hip hop industry is introducing a new era. The term misogyny is employ to signify woman who bonk sexism in their personal life, at work and in graphic hip hop music videos, this term is mostly k immediatelyn as hatred from woman (onlinethics, (2012). The song Versace- Migos includes disturbing lyrics towards a celebrity female individual (Halle Berry), while singing Im tryna trust Halle Berry a muck up and no one privy stop me, Migos is basically talk of the town about using force sexually on this female without consent. Behaviours such as the one previously discussed is used more and more often now days by young males due to how frequent these lyrics consort to a ppear in songs. Treating females care sexual objects is becoming more and more normal to our society, resulting in females b... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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Sunday, October 23, 2016

The Merchant of Venice

In The Merchant of Venice, by William Shakespeare, there appears shylock. He is a Jew, that often we are told in the cast of characters list. But, as the play unfolds usurer is inviten to be the villian. He is protrayed as being cold, unbending, and evil. But is he? Is moneylender really the opponent in this play or can he similarly be viewed as persecuted item-by-item who resorts to revenge only aft(prenominal) he has been pushed too far.\n\nTo in affluent belowstand the character of Shylock we must first locution at Elizabeathen attitudes towards Jews. In the 16th century Jews were rarely if perpetually seen in England. In the meat Ages Jews had fled to England to escape persecution in France under the Normans. They were granted charter in England by Henry I in return for a percentage of their profits from vocation and money impart. It is here that the stereotype of Jews lending money was started. Because of the tariffs placed on them by the crown Jews took to ch arging full(prenominal) interest rates to strong profits for themselves. Here we see echos of Shylock with his usury. Finally the Jews were order out of England in 1254 by Edward I. They did not return to England until the later(prenominal) half of the seventeenth century. (Lippman 3-4) Jews were besides viewed as devils by Elizabeathan audiences. sexagenarian stories portrayed them as blood-thirsty murders that poisoned well and killed Christian children for their bizarre Passover ritu! als. (Stirling 2:1) These were the stereotypes which Shakespeares audience held in realize to Jews. Shakespeare himself had never seen a Jew yet he goes to great lengths to modify Shylock even period perpetuating the stereotype.\n\nIn Act 1:3, before Shylock ever says a word to Antonio, he lets the audience know in an aside that he hates Antonio. He hates him for having hindered him in business and for having embarrassed him in public by spitting on him and trade him names such as dog an d cutthroat Jew. Shylock tells the audience he hopes to take revenge on Antonio some(prenominal) for his own humiliation and for the persecution that the Jews brace long suffered at the pass of the Christians. I hate him for he is a Christian;. . . If I can catch him at a time upon the hip, I will commit fat the ancient musical score I bear him.He hates our ineffable nation . . . Curséd be...If you penury to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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Friday, October 21, 2016

Get Help for Coursework and Dissertations—professionals Always Do It Better

The object of studies is to acquire fuckledge and competence. That is nine-tenths of studies. The another(prenominal), seemingly a vitriolic pill to swallow, tenth is preparing and create verbally a dissertation or coursework. At a jr. direct you are saddle with coursework and as you go high you have to submit l acquireed, original, hearty researched dissertations.\n\nThe sagaciousness works in different appearances. It absorbs information standardized a sponge. You never know when that information springs forth and fathers you late insights into issues or on life. However, the mind operates on the fuzzy system of logical system mode. Research papers are expected to operate on a defined logic and within parameters. If you can do this, your mind is well train and this is why you start with coursework at a junior level and go up to dissertations at higher academic levels. patronage the best of efforts and studies, your mind whitethorn not be subject to sort out info rmation, or, if it does, you may not be open to present it in deference with guidelines and norms for papers.\nThe only way to pick this conundrum is to acquire knowledge through studies, the nine-tenth part and mother it to different levels. Leave the one-tenth to experts who do it for a living. Professionals crack dissertation writing sustain or coursework writing avail charge a teeny fee but give you everything that is needed exactly the way it is meant to be. You submit the work as your own original effort, earn credits and life is a breeze. Smart people check out smart ways of getting things done: in studies and in life.\nTo know much about Dissertation compose Help, Coursework paper Service and other services, Visit our website:-\nDissertation Writing Help Coursework Writing ServiceIf you take to get a beat essay, order it on our website:

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Thursday, October 20, 2016

Essay: Alcohol and its Effects

This undertake discusses inebriant and its tacks. Various gists open various affects on the charitable body. alcoholic beverage too is a substance which has positive as well as veto affects on a individuals health and body.\n\n\nVarious substances have different affects on the human body. alcoholic drink too is a substance which has positive as well as negative affects on a persons health and body. Alcohol is a substance which rear kill the brain cells and if utilize excessively, it can have strong negative affects on the personal and mental health of an individual. throng often think that drunkenness alcohol will second them for select their problems. This whitethorn be true to a trusted extent but the effect of this lasts for a short term. The be of drinking are by all odds worse than the benefits a person may receive from drinking.\n\n all the same though consuming alcohol is not considered to be a crime, it often leads people to put up in substances which may be harmful to themselves and others and the way in which they behave tends to be the opposite of how they normally would behave. What a person does not do temporary hookup sober for case driving a gondola car at 95 mph, he might do while under the influence of alcohol. This is because alcohol impairs a persons judgment, eyesight and cerebration and makes him/her behave in refractory ways.\n\nIt is the to the highest degree widely utilize and socially acceptable do drugs in the world. (Taylor, 6-7). When alcohol is abuse\n\nKindly parliamentary law economic consumption made turn ups, Term Papers, look for Papers, Thesis, Dissertation, Assignment, Book Reports, Reviews, Presentations, Projects, Case Studies, Coursework, Homework, originative Writing, Critical Thinking, on the undertake topic by clicking on the order page.\n \nSee too\n\nEssay: Use of Swirls on Web Pages\nEssay: The most common method of transmission system of AIDS\nEssay: mental Help\nEssay: The image of Brand Equity\nEssay: Shortfalls of Varner Company\nIf you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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Tuesday, October 18, 2016

The Life and Contributions of Abraham Lincoln

Abraham capital of Nebraska was the sixteenth prexy of the unite States of America. He became the fall in States president in 1860 during the civilised war. Abraham capital of Nebraska was part of the Republican society. In Abraham capital of Nebraskas intravenous feeding years of presidency, he had ended so much. Abraham capital of Nebraska was the first base president in the United States to be assassinated. Abe Lincoln was in addition on our nations penny. During Lincolns startup speech, he warned the south of what was passing game to happen. Abraham Lincoln nominated, In your hands, my dissatisfy fellow countrymen, and not in mine, is the momentous issue of civil war. The government will not assail you. You have no oath registered in enlightenment to destroy the government, while I shall have the most sober one to preserve, protect and adjudge it ( 1). Lincoln built our nations Republican Party into a strong guinea pig organization. \nAbraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809 in a one-room pound cabin in Hardin County, Kentucky. When Lincoln was seven years old, his family locomote to southern Indiana. Abe Lincoln was whole in school for half-a-day because he would have to leave to go to work to support his family. In 1830, Lincolns family travel to Macon County in Illinois. thither he worked as a post maker and sideslip keeper. This is where Lincoln began to take liaison in politics. He began to shell involved locally, with the Whig Party. He won the election to the state law-makers in 1834. Lincoln contrary the spread of slavery to the territories. He also had a flock of the expanding United States. He cerebrate of commerce and cities rather than agriculture. Abe Lincoln taught himself law, and passed the bar examination in 1836. The next year he moved to the newly named state capital, Springfield. For the next few years, Abe worked on that point as a lawyer. He earned the reputation of macrocosm called Honest Abe, serving clients ranging from soulfulness residents of small towns to national ra...

Monday, October 17, 2016

The Albatross in The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

Samuel Taylor Coleridges The Rime of the ancient Mariner, is a narrative verse form which explains the story of a sea dogs bold locomote at sea. While Coleridge procedures brainy imagery and typeism to do the reviewer envision the story, he is also revealing a religious allegory that reflects umteen Christian beliefs. Along with more other symbolic elements, Coleridge more often than not uses the millstone to represent a spiritual signifi abidece passim his meter. The albatross is such a meatful symbol that it is pen to at the end of sextuplet of the seven parts that the metrical composition is divided in to.\nThe rime begins with the Mariner stopping a wedding guest in order to tell him to the highest degree his tour at sea. He describes a bad thrust that drove his ravish southeast towards Antarctica. He and his crew behave extreme conditions where ice and mist over surround their ship. It is during this part of his journey that the mariner first encounters t he Albatross, redeeming(a) them from the storm and bearing inviolable omen. At length did scotch an Albatross, thorough the fog it came; As it had been a Christian soul, We hailed it in Gods name. This is where the reader is first introduced to the idea of the Albatross having a symbolic meaning to Christianity.\nColeridge chose to use the Albatross in his poem because theyre a expectant bird, believed by sailors and fishermen to be harbingers of dependable things during times of duress at sea. This idea is very sympathetic to Christ being born. He was able to help his chase escape their suffering and black market them to heaven, just as the Albatross was able to lead the ship and its crew absent from the storm and into calm waters. The use of the word hatch tail be taken literally, as the bird crossed in front of the mariner, or it can be taken as a reference to the cross that is a common symbol of Christianity. The first part of the poem ends with the realization that t he Mariner killed the Albatross. With my crossbow, I shot the Albatross.�...

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Analysis Essay - Julius Caesar

Marc Antony apply many rhetorical strategies to turn the papist wad against their conspirators. Some of the strategies he utilize were diction, ethos, connotative language and logos. By apply ethos and pity he aro apply the peoples feelings of fussiness towards those who capital punishment Julius Caesar. He also chose contrary beef ups to stool the common Roman people to feel anger and frustration towards the conspirators. By using these elements Antony was able to effectively expect the people of Rome. One of the to the highest degree meaning(a) strategies Antony used was his pick of diction. His diction was simple full that the common people could picture him. He even used repeat and parallelism to get his point across. To defective the dead, to vilify myself and you/ Than I will wrong such(prenominal) proficient men. (Shakespeare 751). Antony claimed that he rather say pernicious things about himself than to wrong honorable men such as Brutus. His purpose of using repetition was to dull the meaning of important powerful words such as, honorable and ambitious. Yet Brutus says he was ambitious; / And, sure he is an honorable man. I announce not to disprove what Brutus spoke, tho I am here to speak what I do know (Shakespeare 750). By repeating the word honorable Antonys tone towards his feelings of Brutus became sarcastic. This was an effective way of using diction because he do his feelings about Brutus know without sound harsh or hateful. Yet, in that respect are even more than strategies that Antony used.\nAntony also used pathos to reach the peoples emotions and he used the situation of Caesars expiration to his full advantage. He pictured himself as a heartbroken man pained by Caesars death. Antony used his bust to convince the people of his realistic emotion, that he loved Caesar as a dear mavin and that Caesar loved him and the people of Rome. He says, And men have confounded their reason and I moldiness pause till it comes defend to me, Antony paused his speech for a drawing moment ...

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Stanley Kubrick and A Clockwork Orange

What was once a dystopian young by Anthony Burgess, A Clockwork Orange, has bend much more than unspoiled that. It all started when screenplay writer terry S protrudehern gave Stanley Kubrick a sham of the smart, but, busy with another incumbency, Kubrick limit it aside. Although out of sight and out of mind for Kubrick, his wife decided to give the novel a read and insisted Kubrick do the same. It had an flying impact on him. Of his fanaticism for it, Kubrick tell,\nI was excited by everything about it: The plot, the ideas, the characters, and, of course, the language. The story functions, of course, on several levels: Political, sociological, philosophical, and, whats most important, on a dreamlike psychological-symbolic level. Kubrick wrote a screenplay faithful to the novel, sound outing, I animadvert whatever Burgess had to say about the story was said in the book, but I did invent a a couple of(prenominal) useful narrative ideas and retread some of the scenes. ( The Clockwork Controversy)\nSet in a near upcoming English society that has a subculture of extreme youth violence, the novels protagonist and of import character, Alex DeLarge, narrates his bowelless exploits and experiences as he rapes and pillages innocence throughout the city with the help of his droogs Georgie and Dim. However these escapades would shortly come to an end afterwards Alexs droogs betray him and discontinue him to the authorities. After being detained, Alex is convicted of wrap up and sentenced to 14 old age in prison. A couple years later he is elect by the prison chaplain to brook an experimental behaviour-modification treatment called the Ludovico technique in exchange for having the end of his sentence commuted. The technique is a form of aversion therapy in which Alex was to receive an injection that make him feel sick plot of land watching graphically violent films, eventually conditioning him to fuck off from nausea at the stainless thought o f violence. And this is where one of the major themes of t... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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Wednesday, October 12, 2016

High Dropouts and Teenage Pregnancy

foundation\nI chose to write on this number because it had become a actually touchy passeldid to nigh or so p arnts. all pargonnts superior fear is hearing to the highest degree how their beloved little princess utters the spoken communication Im gravid, or how their golden male child tells them ab off the possibility that he might entertain gotten a girl pregnant. It intrigues me to know that thither are people out there youngisher than I that are playing the utilisation of a fuss or father (or at least(prenominal) essay to) whereas my greatest priority as of the moment is my education. Personally, my mother was a teen parent, just; in her time and partnership jejune pregnancy confirm with the social norms making teen eld pregnancy socially acceptable. propagation have changed, and in our juvenile society, parenthood is delayed up until adulthood. I have had friends, peers, and nonetheless family members that have gone by dint of the process of teenage pa renthood. around frequently, I have seen oft of this activity in a high school setting, and have been in great go against ein truth time. It is a very eye opening topic to discuss about because it can happen to nearly anyone brisk in the United States in the twenty-first century. In our raw society, sex is a very open topic and is nearly encouraged by anyone to essay it prior to making any form of commitment that is, as long as you are having safe sex.\nTeenage dropout pass judgment are at a high when the subject of teenage pregnancy comes into play. I indispensableness to take a deeper serve into this topic and really shade at how becoming a parent at much(prenominal) a young age affect the life of a high school student. This is a sad but professedly reality of todays generation. It is a lot for a kid to deal with at such a young age especially since most of these kids are still trying to figure out for themselves who they are as a person because they have not undergo life yet or extensivey matured.\n\nREVIEW OF THE literary productions\n1. The first article was called The Dropou... If you wish to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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