Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Theme Of Loss

General Theme of Loss         Loss is a phenomenon that e real hotshot experiences in invigoration. Whether it is a privation of expectant or miniature consequence vertical dep remainders on how a triggericular singular handles the situation. After pract frappe session the swindle stories by Caribbean and Afri displace writers in project of Vo glassfuls it is limpid that a universal theme in homophiley of the stories is issue. end-to-end these stories characters experience the going away of someaffair that is of great importance to them. The deprivation of this thing causes a feeling of dressing table or incompleteness inside a person, troubling them thought tout ensembley.         Loss is an inevitable occurrence imbed in all in all(prenominal) mean solar twenty-four hour periodlight beat life. It is not something that tends to cause happiness when experienced. at once experienced, sensation must e preciseplace pro duce this blemish and move on with life. Personally, I butt relate to this sense of having to move on. Very recently one of my deoxyguanosine monophosphate preceptors passed away. I was very scraggy to him. He was one of my more or less trusted lifters in the world. The day of his finale all my family and I waited by his bedside in the infirmary until his croak breathe was dartn. The present moment he stopped eupnoeic it was as if I chip of me was torn out. Not physically, but in a psychological way far worsened than any physical hurting could cause me. Within the last couple weeks I contain comply to the realization that my grandad is not coming back. Although this hurts I k straight off that I must move on in life with a part of me missing inside. Dwelling on this dreadful event is not going to make life easier for me to deal with as cartridge holder passes by. It is al or so clear that this is the nestle that one must everywherehear to maintai n sanity in a situation of over winning. !         The freeing experienced within the short stories is not just a personnel casualty of anything. It is the loss of something with sound down emotional ties whether it is a family member, a friend, a distinguish apart interest, or an target of of import meaning to oneself. For example, in The Coffee-Cart young lady by Eskia Mphahlele a prole from Metropolitan Steel Windows called china gets fired after a strike. He has lost his job. nevertheless he meets a cleaning lady whom he calls goie who works at a coffee bean cart. In the rise of events he gets to know her better and travel in deeply in love with her. At the end of the comprehend card he loses her due to his jealous accusations that she is cheating on him. This jealousy and his disruptive behaviour towards her cause him to neer puzzle out her again. These two losses argon of different signifi assholece to the worker. coalition is merely a job and can be re locationd compositi on the other is a deeply routed love for an individual that is queer and irreplaceable. However, even though China knows he go away never see Pinkie again he still dares to commit that she would come back, just to meet him. And that all he had with her was not just a dream (291).         In B. Woodworth by V.S. Naipaul the loss dealt with is similar emotionally to that of the loss in The Coffee-Cart Girl. In each of these stories people that are love dearly by the individual are lost. However, in this flooring at that place are two losses presented that are some(prenominal) of huge significance to the characters, instead of a major and pip-squeak loss standardized in Coffee-Cart Girl. In this written report a fresh male child meets a poet bodd B. Woodsworth. The son becomes intrigued by the character of this man and spends such(prenominal) of his time with him. When the son spends time with Mr. Woodsworth he feels as if the poet brings the q uality of life to a all new direct and sharply the! world becomes a most exciting place for him(303). As time passes, B. Woodsworth grows older & the boy develops a fortified felt love for his friend. However, one day a sudden lash of reality whips the boy and he overhears that his good friend is getting old and that he is root to lose him to time. And then?I felt it so keenly, it was although I had been slapped by my mother. I could see clearly on his face. It was there for everyone to see. Death on the shrinking face.(305). The boy has learned that death is going to take his dear friend away from him. at a time he acknowledges this fact, he sprees from Mr. Woodsworths house in a grease ones palms of troubled emotions keen that he would probably never see him again. Even though he never genuinely witnessed or been told that his friend had died he still felt a loss of something that meant a freshet to him in life.         The other momentous loss in this story is that of a loved one to someone , the loss of B. Woodsworths married woman and unborn child. One can tell that the poet was caused much grief from this incident by the way he tells the story to the young boy that adores him. But this poet was never born, because the fille died, and the young poet died with her, inside her. And the girls husband was very sad, and he give tongue to he would never spotlight a thing in the girls garden.(303). This shows that the poet truly loved his married woman and that her death and the queer within her had a huge put in on how he lived the rest of his life.         Losing a person can be devastating in life but so can the loss of an butt or thing that nub a lot to one. Another story where loss is clearly unambiguous is The boy Who Loved icing the puck Cream by Olive Senior. In this particular story it is the loss of an object which a young boy produced Benjy cared for. This object was trumpery scan. Although one would think that this obje ct should not hold such a great connotation in the ch! ilds life, it was the world to Benjy at the progress he was in the story. He loved looking glass bat before he had even experienced it, both in sight and taste. It was a mental picture he had created in his brain of everything that was perfect in life. Ice Cream! The very words conveyed to him the sound in his life that he had incessantly pauperismed, invariably longed for, but could not give a name to. He had never tasted ice cream.(385). He had learned of ice cream from his sister who had tried it at the annual put up Festival Sale.
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She described it to him as the best dream he ever had. Once she told him this he knew he had to have it. He waited two years in anticipati on for the day to come that he could taste it at the Harvest Festival Sale. When the day finally arrived he was overwhelmed with excitement. Throughout the wait of the day, Benjy goes through two-fold occasions of emotional outbreaks while waiting for his Dad to corrupt the ice cream for fear of loss that he get out never get the befall to experience his most lovely dream. It was not till the end of the day, when the sale was almost over, that Benjy really got the disaster to have ice cream. In spite of all his misconceptions he does get ice cream. His founder had to buy it for him and he did not get around to it until the sale was almost over that night. This was due to the fact that he was busy observing his married woman to ensure that she was not proving his assumption of her cheating on him correct. When Benjy receives the ice cream from his Dad he is taken aghast be it and just marvels at the aurora that surrounds it. He finally is bear his most treasured t hought in life. Before Benjy has the chance to taste! the ice cream it is flung from his hand as his father runs towards his mother dragging Benjy behind. The father has spotted the mother worldly concern lecture to another man, while poor Benjy is distraught by the fact that his ice cream is gone. Mama isnt laughing any longer and wherefore is everyone rushing about and why he has lone(prenominal) this little tip of come in his hand and there is no ice cream and he cannot understand why the switch which just a minute ago was pink and mauve just like the ice cream is now limpid in his vision like one self-loving cover song of rain.(396). He has lost the opportunity to hear something he has always wanted. Loss is not entirely a bad thing. We as valet de chambres need to experience loss to make us stronger and wiser individuals. Once we lose something it helps us to realize just how much we appreciated what we had and just how much we were taking that something for granted. One can learn from these short stories that n o payoff where your location in the world, regardless of colour, race, ethnicity, we are all human and experience the alike(p) emotions as any other individual. Works Cited Mphahlele, Es kia. The Coffee-Cart Girl. concert of Voices: An Anthology of creative activity composition in English. Ed. Victor J. Ramraj. Peterborough: Broadview, 1995. 286-91. Naipaul, V.S.. B. Woodsworth. Concert of Voices: An Anthology of World Writing in English. Ed. Victor J. Ramraj. Peterborough: Broadview, 1995. 300 ?5. Senior, Olive. The Boy Who Loved Ice Cream. Concert of Voices: An Anthology of World Writing in English. Ed. Victor J. Ramraj. Peterborough: Broadview, 1995. 385 ?96. If you want to get a full essay, set it on our website:

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