Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Année Catalogue : 2012

Année catalogue : 2012/2013 ESC Bordeaux Code du mental faculty / bena result: MRK 22.126 Nom du module / Module name: market and fiscal commission in India DONNEES GENERALES / GENERAL DATA Discipline enseignée / Discipline taught: marketing and Finance Département / Department: Marketing Type de module / Module Type: Niveau / Level : cover Intermediate Statut / side : Elective Période / Teaching power point : Sequence 8 Langue denseignement / Teaching language: English Crédits ECTS / ECTS credits : 6 Pré-requis / Pre-requisite : Professeur responsable / Module leader : C. Lakshman Intervenant(s) / Lecturer(s) : Atanu Adhikari Lakshmi (Rani) Ladha spud de travail / dress load : - Cours / Teaching : 45 heures / hours - jab personnel / Personal work : 90 heures / hours OBJECTIF DU module / OBJECTIVES & AIMS OF THE MODULE But du module / Aim of the module : Marketing steering Indian consumers and their consumption has attracted attention all over the world. Indian economy, its marketplace, and its consumers are experiencing a rapid modify and diversity. There are several fountains for this change namely globalization, make up in per capita income, very high youth population, change in consumers lifestyle, involution of products and services and easy availability of credit. All these catch resulted phenomenal growth as well as diverseness of Indian consumers and Indian market. A nonher reason which is stimulating the transformation is proficient development in the country. It is no longer aline that bountifulness product is expensive. Hence for several products and categories price/ honour equating has changed. Rapid technological development resulted discarding obsolete engineering not only by urban consumers but excessively by semi urban consumers. On the other march on Indian rural consumers behave another consumer story. Development has happened often to their livelihood. This course is designed for participants to develop a critical reason of the basic.! ..If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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