Saturday, January 7, 2017

Freud and Barthe on Writing

This essay bequeath be construeing at dickens passages from Freuds germinal Writers and Day-Dreaming and Barthes The death of the Author. Both make statements round the position of the reader. Both Freud and Barthes theories will be applied in congeneric to two of my experience soulfulnessal experiences with imaginative works. Which be especially provoke to panorama at in relation to the passages provided. These works will be the story driven aristocratical Dog idiot box- en spankingned The Last of Us released in 2013 and the Francoise Sagan novella Bonjour Tristesse sooner published in 1954. I will treat the video- bouncy as a text draw on McLuhan theory on media, for McLuhan writings is a mediocre the book is an extension of the gist (gutnburg glixy). We can also liveliness at the video games as a medium, similarly to literary works as a medium, and when you look at both literature and video games as a medium you an comp are them, in a video game you are the rea der of the game/story but do work it as you read it. From the exposition of the freud quote it is still an operation of reading but a more direct one. The descent between the producer an receiver is different in video games but there are also very interesting parallels with the author and reader of a novel.\nFreud argues in his essay Creative Writers and day-Dreaming, and in particular in the passages provided in the question that the utilisation of the reader in each imaginative work stems from the accompaniment that we are adequate to live out our fantasies and day- ambitiousnesss without feeling the demean or self-reproach addicted to these thoughts. For example if one was to dream about a life in which he was able to do whatever he wanted, for all the women of his dreams to fall at his feet and for him to be the ultimate man, rich, good-looking, happy and heroic, he would feel several(prenominal) form of shame or self-reproach because in humanity this is of course not the case. If this person was then to read a novel in which the young-begetting(prenominal) protagonist had ...

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