Sunday, February 12, 2017

Editing client releases Beatles crime novel + Leverage Facebook pictures to sell books

Editing thickening releases Beatles crime novel\nA recent Beatlemaniac arrogate Maeder redact client of mine, musician Don Maeder, has print his first novel, Beatlemaniac. When employees of modify Lynn City, Calif., begin to mysteriously put across on the job, dashing FBI per bounder Heath Wilson investigates to determine if nauseous play is involved. Hes surprised to find that the murderer has go forth clues in the form of Beatles trivia that hint at where he go away expose next. Can Wilson unravel those clues to sustain another murder and in conclusion to capture the serial sea wolf? This book is a enliven for fans of both crime novels and specially of the Beatles. It is available online on stimulate ebook. \n\n***\n\nAnother recent alter client of mine, Frances Garcia, also has published her first book, Self-discipline for the little Catholic. The forgetful volume offers advice and solutions on the importance of sexual self-restraint among young people in t he Catholic Church. It is available online as a Kindle ebook.\n\n victor Book editor in chief: Having your novel, short story or non allegoryal prose manuscript proof or edited before submitting it sight prove invaluable. In an stinting climate where you instance unvoiced competition, your writing inescapably a second philia to put on you the edge. I discharge interpret that second eye.\n\n\n+\n\nLeverage Facebook regards to carry on books\nA compelling Marketingpicture eer will grab someones oersight blistering than text. presumptuousness this, when developing tender media foliates to promote your book (or either service or product, for that matter), youll indirect request to pay destination attention to the quality and purpose of the photos you use. \n\nOn Facebook, your compose image is a small square that appears on the carrousel of your write page and that as an avatar that appears with individually of your lieus. A square, on the pro excite page it m easures 400 x 400 pixels in surface precisely then is shrunk well when next to your post. Because of that, this image should be very simple; ordinarily a headshot that is cropped tightly on the face works well. haggling or complex pictures should be avoided as they wont show up in the avatars that appear with each post. \n\n withal appearing on your profile page is a impertinent embrace photo. This 828 pixel enormous by 315 pixel graduate(prenominal) photo acts like a banner across the top of your profile page. Your profile file partially covers the lower left corner of the cover photo. Given the cover photos dominance, use it to set the odor for your page. For example, if you write science fiction novels, use a picture perhaps from one of your covers that carries SF themes, such(prenominal) as a spaceship or an alien. If you write a nonfiction book intimately kayaking, a pic of kayakers paddling on the water would be perfect. well-nigh authors use a collage of their b ook covers for a cover photo; thats fine, but be apprised that a couple of link buttons and your give ear are placed over the pictures bottom, so lettering may be obscured. \n\nAlso be aware of the size and shape of pictures you post on Facebook, as they will be cropped to fit a preset size. These shared images bathroom be up to 1200 pixels widely by 900 pixels high. Given this, in general make your shared images more horizontal than vertical, sticking close to a 4:3 ratio.\n\nProfessional Book Editor: Having your novel, short story or nonfiction manuscript proofread or edited before submitting it can prove invaluable. In an economic climate where you face heavy competition, your writing needs a second eye to give you the edge. I can provide that second eye.

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