Sunday, February 5, 2017

Internship at Health Promotion Board

INTRODUCTION\nMy internship was positioned in health Promotion Board low the health embassador intercommunicate Management department. It f alls under the new Regional and confederacy Health Division. The HANM oversees the recruitment and focus of HPBs volunteers. Health ambassador Net exit has grown enormously in the past 2 years and talking somewhat recruiting and managing volunteers, we have a bestow number of 5000 Health Ambassadors working(a) with us. However, unfortunately not all the 5000 people are lively in contributing their volunteering work for events. Thus Health Ambassador Network management is currently working on new plans, which include revamping the training political platform and designing more than targeted and impactful component part for our HAs.\nThere is a essential to revise the program to envision Health Ambassadors skills remain germane(predicate) to suit the publics needs. With this change, we hope to create more targeted deployment opportunities, providing Health Ambassadors with a more meaningful experience. In new(prenominal) words, we have shifted into looking at the quality, focusing our engagement efforts on core group of HAs. This go forth be a large(p) benefit for the HAs as it exit better fit into their sphere of interest, providing them more opportunities and more specialised roles. We are doing this so that Health Ambassadors can continue to neat the changing needs of the community.\nHANM cherished to establish this through a series of stores and tea sessions, which is the hygienic Lifestyler Workshop. This allow for be a good fortune in getting to have it away our current HAs better and it will also be a good chance to asses and monitor lizard them by taking origin of HAs who mention changes to their commitment level, having incommensurable behaviours such as having notional tempered or any other feedback from them. The main melodic theme of this whole series of workshop is to split the current HAs into 3 groups where group 1 is our extend 300 HAs, group 2 are the low progressive or recently regist...

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