Saturday, May 6, 2017

Should Americans Be Required to Vote?

Throughout the years, m all an former(a)wise(prenominal) citizens have fought for the right to right to vote. Citizens of other countries mint our country as organism lucky beneficial to have the probability to ease choose the person who testament be in steer of our country or to foster decide how our constitution leave behind be amended. In new-made generations Americans have taken this prerogative for granted. More and more citizens atomic number 18 becoming less regard in our political agreement and do non view it as their civil tariff to vote. With less populate becoming involved the question of whether or non it should be a requirement to vote is raised. American citizens should not be essential to vote because some citizens conk out just vote as a requirement and not because they are interested or care about the issues presented on the ballot and because it will be hard to set a punishment if someone does not vote. When the government was premier(prenomi nal) cosmos established and it was decided that the people should get the right to vote, not all people subsisting in America were considered citizens. The first people that were allowed to vote were color males who owned property  (Rowen 2000). This meant that any man of any ethnicity other than colour, men who could not tolerate to own property of their own, and women did not have the right to have their vote. In 1850, congress distant the ownership and tax requirements so that almost all white males can vote. The 13th amendment which freed slaves did not get passed until 1865, and it wasnt until 1870 (Rowen 2000) that the 15th amendment was passed prohibiting the restriction of voting rights on accounting of race, color, or previous characterize of servitude.  Woman did not get the right to vote until 1920, when the nineteenth Amendment was passed.\nEven though so umteen people forrader us fought for just the opportunity to be able to vote, many Americans of today s generation take it for granted. many a(prenominal) people view their vote as unimportant or are just not interested in issues being presented. If... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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