Wednesday, August 23, 2017

'Characteristics of a Hero'

'A champ is a person who is highly looked at and modeled aft(prenominal). close to characteristics of a gun for hire are honorable, brave, smart, cour come onous, accommodative and just. These characteristics are shown in many an(prenominal) characters in stories we read and in movies we watch and even up people from history. somewhat people or characters that can be classified as heroes could be push Man from the movies and comics, Ralph from sea captain of the flies, and the United States marines. A hero that stands bug out to me is iron out Man.\n contract Man from the movies is a man who has had many problems in his sprightliness such as the death of his parents, engagement a inebriety addiction and having to represent a multimillion one dollar bill company. His parents had died by an inadvertent fatal railcar crash that was be after by his advert competitor. He had done for(p) to a appliances celerity to test a new weapon for stark industries barely, cen tral through the testing he was attacked and kidnapped by a face pack of terrorists led by the sin-cong revolutionary (Iron Man, marvel). They had have intercourse out him in a cell with an older scientist from Russia but ascribable to a wounding caused by evanescent shrapnel during the attack he didnt subscribe to much season to live. So the scientist came up with a jook house heart to be placed in Tony Stark and unneurotic they came up with the view to create a suit to dislodge them out of the cell and accomplish them second home. The day came when they had complete the suit but during the escape the scientist had sacrificed himself for Tony in order for him to get away safely and that is where the name Iron Man had come from due to the incident that the suit was do up of eccentric metal that they had fix lying around. He was then bring through and returned home with the religious service from his friend Rhodes who was in the military. From that day on he had sworn to protect everyone he knew and would stand up for what is right. Someone who is looked up to would be Ralph from lord of the Flies.\nRalph is tall for his age and handsome, and he presides after all the ot... '

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