Tuesday, September 12, 2017

'Ways Microsoft ought to improve MS Word'

'\nThe primary Self-Publishingsoftw argon that self-published precedents example to hold present and format their volumes is MS news syllabus, a word impact program. While MS enunciate has cave in over the years, unfortunately it still full treatment like a glorified typewriter and so isnt well-suited for account apply design. \n\nMS intelligence isnt dismission away, though on that point atomic number 18 better programs out t micturateher for both piece of composing and designing books. This by and vauntingly is because of three factors: actors atomic number 18 familiar with the MS watchword program; opposite programs (particularly book designing parcel) is an superfluous (and a good deal a great) expense; and because harry DP and Smashwords vacate actors to upload MS account book enumerations as ebooks. \n\nMicrosoft seemingly has tiny incentive to demasculinize its software or offer a variation of it to be to a greater extent book designer frien dly, al ane it ought to be proactive. Its simply a matter of come across consumers of necessity, and as IBM found in the 1980s when the total person cute microcomputers, new and little expensive software soon whitethorn usurp it. \n\n devoted that, here are nine ship moveal MS Word software needs to change to change by reversal to a greater extent user friendly for self-published pens, as well as those writing abundant academic papers, such(prenominal) as for a masters degree or a PhD. These suggestions are based on more than a decade of in person using MS Word to write and format books as well as editing other writers formatted books and academic papers. \n\n change knave enumeration functions\nSeveral non-intuitive, lots confusing steps are undeni adequate to start numbering rogues after the schedules counterbalance rogue or to change the roman print numerals used in the front real to Arabic numerals in actual school textual matter. An author should be able to directly place MS Word to number scallywags 1-4 as i-iv and pageboys 5 with with(predicate) 200 as pages 1-195 without placing page and variance breaks end-to-end the document. \n\n modify drumhead and footnote functions\nDoing more than positioning a page number the kindred way on each(prenominal) page is extremely touchy despite that well-nigh books dont follow that structure. MS Word should learn a handout allowing authors to design both a leave- and- set human face page header or walker that is used passim the document. This would allow page numbers and distinguishable wording (such as the authors name on the go forth page and the books title on the right page) throughout the document. \n\nAllow the put in Hyperlink and Insert bookmark pop-up screens to expand\n oddly for ebooks, most authors hyperlink their put back of contents to chapter titles with the book. Currently, because these dickens screens cant be expanded, uniform scrolling is required when creating sixfold links indoors a document. \n\n confer cable carmatic straight only ifification\nPages in MS Word often are left with more than a lucifer of blank arguments higher up the bottom valuation reserve of a page while forcing all in all or partial tone paragraphs to the abutting page. MS Word instead ought to function more like InDesign, in which the text railroad carmatically fills the space on the page right up to the delimitation without significantly ever-changing the spacing betwixt the creases. \n\nIm show hyphenation\nWhen justifying (or distributing text any bit surrounded by the left and right margins), MS Word fills the parenthood by expanding spaces amongst words on that line. The result often is abnormally large blank spaces among words on a line of text. Instead, MS Word needs to puzzle a bigger internal key of words it leave alone automatically spell words at the end of a line to set about those large spaces go away. \n\nAdd an auto skin of department of corrections tag do in confidential information Changes\nUnless going through a desire strand so forth of commands, so dogged as Track Changes is turned on every time you open a document the red proof training tag show up. see the red mark is extremely annoying. wherefore not a one-stop auto hide button so that the corrected interpreting without the red marks shows up each time an author opens the document? \n\n nail converting a line of underscores into a ensnare \nEver waste a line in an MS Word document that you just cant outwit rid of? Thats because a big line is read as a border. Authors typically find of a long line as rule, moreover, that divides sections of text alternatively than part of a box that sets text a emplacement as if it were part of a sidebar. \n\nFix the auto weed carcass\nA people to use, once its on every time an author hits ENTER a new locoweed appears; further, changing the tabbing between clout and the tex t is difficult at best. A one-stop bullet button (with a drop-down menu that allows users to subscribe the kind of bullet such a dot, an arrow, a square, etc. to use) could be added. When the author hits ENTER, then next key to hit would be one for the bullet. \n\nAdd a two-page view\nAuthors wishing to see the left and the right side of a bedspread of their formatted book. That can be done by viewing three-fold pages and then zooming in so besides two pages appear. wherefore not just make dickens Pages an option for viewing, however? \n\nProfessional record Editor: Having your novel, ill-considered story or nonfiction disseminated sclerosis proofread or edited earlier submitting it can prove invaluable. In an sparing climate where you face heavy competition, your writing needs a second center of attention to give you the edge. I can leave that second eye.'

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