Wednesday, November 8, 2017

'Key Concepts of Confucianism'

'Introduction\nWhat be ethics, genius of self, crowning(prenominal) humans and demolition in Confucianism? onwards going into point with that interrogative, the author go forth very concisely answer the question in regards to westward sandwich principles to give close to contrast to the paper. \nThe occidental world (United States) is typic wholey perceived by its citizens as a modern and groundbreaking guild where everyone flourishes base on the strengths of the individual. It is a society where the temper of self is self-absorbed with the emphasis is on I. In the workplace, people atomic number 18 awarded and promoted for their individual accomplishments and on sports teams individual players that surmount atomic number 18 rewarded for creation the most precious player. The final frankness of most horse operaers conforms to the public opinion of one paragon based on their spiritual beliefs. The U.S. was founded as ace soil at a lower place perfectio n. The reason for this One nation under beau ideal contrive is that the U.S. was founded by individuals whose ultimate reality, in regards to their religious faiths, viewed God as the supreme government agency in all reality. \nWestern estimable beliefs typically originated from the lead of biblical legalitys presumptuousness by God, which is basically follow the law or be punished. Western society puts a handle of emphasis on punishment if laws ar broken and honest values are not followed. demolition in western society is by and large considered a melancholic affair where the unfounded is buried or cremated. They will be resurrected at nearly later condemnation at which God will fountainhead judgment on their life. Should they have lived a life with no sin they will be rewarded with thoroughgoing(a) life, if not, they will be cast into the lake of fire. An thumb more universal western belief is that upon death the psyche immediately goes to heaven. straight t hat these four concepts in relation to the western beliefs have shortly been discussed What are ethics, nature of self, ultimate reality and death in \n\nWhat is Confucianism?\nThe Chinese philosopher Confucius li...'

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