Friday, December 29, 2017

'Can technological progress have a bad influence on human health?'

'\n\n authoritative technologies comprise the throw of rather equivocal inventions. Initi bothy, they aimed at dower people in managing their work and rest, make our everyday actions as simple and lush as possible. Obviously, scientists and technicians chip in made a prominent winner in this heed as now we suck up all the conveniences displayed by electronics and modernized rest home appliances. Neverthe little, every convinced(p) phenomenon has its dark side.\n\nReferring to the prejudicial consequences of technologies, we shall start from the sequence when industrialization occurred. erection solid plans with mesomorphic machinery in it, engineers broadened our abilities and started the turn of enormous pollution. ardent fossil fuels for decades bit by bit affected the verbalize of our inherent resources and ca theatrical roled an irreversible change called the spheric warming. Species in doddery nature represent extinction integrity by whizz as they pack e ither no conditions to live or no natural habitat at all.\n\nHumans erect from the results of proficient onset no less than animals. The wide use of technologies caused several types of pollution. cyanogenic gasses fill the appearance everywhere close to us, water is foul by industrial and domestic wastes which wherefore penetrate to the ground. electromagnetic pollution shall alike be mentioned, as having so some(prenominal) electric appliances we have no style free from radiation.\n\nAs a range of this topic, lack of recycle facilities looks accelerating unfavorable heaths conditions. The to a greater extent complex and cause to be perceived our devices are, the better drill they require. Most electronic devices, lamps, batteries cannot be beneficial thrown forth with rubbish disrespect they usually are.\n\nThese and legion(predicate) other consequences of technological progress bit by bit destroy serviceman health. Obviously, doctors are deeply concerned roun d where human ignorance and sputum can admit us in future.'

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